We got help from my aunt who also is a professional and does lots of research papers and I mainly had three questions. One was, is GPT the only AI to use? Second, if you do use AI, how do you validate if that info is correct? And then third and last, what process how do you go on about the researching how do you go on about taking notes and how do you go on about writing the essay itself?
My aunt: https://in.linkedin.com/in/josephine-joyce
So in researching for research papers, there are a few things that you use. You use a thing called scholar.google.com. There you can find most of the research papers that exist and you can go in India and you can also check other foreign research papers. From there, you can either take inspiration, you can check out if whatever you're doing has already existed and whatnot, and that is how you rather research.
You can just take notes how you want and then you'll have to go in depth in them. That's the main point of the research. So if I just write in like three words or about two three sentences, I'll have to make that in depth and make it so that a way that people understand. Also, it doesn't have to be that it's big words.
Writing the Essay
And then after that about writing the essay itself, like I said before, a few of those things like making it in depth is quite important. There are a few things if you're doing a research paper itself. What I am going to be doing is just researching and writing about it. You could call it a research paper, but officially it isn't one. Officially, if you're doing the research paper type, you have to add in introduction, background, why I'm doing this, and then after that you have to do contribution, what you achieve the people with your research paper, and conclusion.
Usually, there is never a research paper without references, so you also add in a section for references and that is really how you should go on about writing it.
And then for validating if the AI is correct, so GPT will give you an answer. For example, if you ask how technology helped man get to the moon and use research articles, it'll give you something but you don't know if it is correct. So you can say how technology helped man get to the moon used research articles and you can also mention provide me the research articles that you use. Because of that, you can get lots of good research articles on the topic that you want and you will also get the research article itself.
So for example, if Chat GPT says something, you can go and validate it on that website. And then for if GPT is the only AI to use, no it isn't the only AI to use, but it's pretty much your preference.